Prescription Refills

  1. First, look at your medicine bottle to see if you have any refills remaining.  If you do, please contact your pharmacy and request a refill.
  2. If you don’t have any refills remaining, sign on to your Patient Portal to request a refill.  Since our Providers normally write for multiple refills on thyroid prescriptions, this should be rare.
  3. If you have an upcoming appointment and have enough medicine to last, you may want to wait in case your dose needs to be changed.  Most pharmacies will also provide a few emergency days of a prescription if you ask.  Unfortunately, they usually won’t do this if it’s a compounded medicine.
  4. All patients must have an appointment at least every 6 months to continue being a patient and to receive refills.  If it’s been longer than 6 months since your last appointment, your request will be denied.